Ursa Minor

To love him is to dwell in perpetual winter,where snowflakes fall as shards of shattered hopes. Cold winds whisper a bitter truth—we are ships passing, never to dock together. In the vast night, our paths remain parallel,constellations witness love’s silent…

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I want to know you more, with each passing day To understand the thoughts, that hide away Behind your eyes, and the smile on your face To see the world, from your unique perspective and place. I want to know…

A Name is All That Remains

A name is all that remains Of a love that once was wild and free. A ghost of what was, a shadow of the past Our time, a mere footnote in the pages of time, cast Into the void of…


You— an excuse to try living again. You— the embodiment of the rest of my life. You— the whole essence of me. You— if it’s you, then I guess I’m dying.


He is the embodiment of my best dream and my worse nightmare, of my ideals and my reality. A painful reminder that dreams are just dreams, and that I’ll soon have to wake up to a nightmare.

How I Love You

I didn’t know how to love you. Every step I took towards you was a step closer to our end. Every life I imbued into your soul was life I drained from my own. Every word of admiration was lacking.…


You are the first raindrop presaging a dark storm of nothing but trouble. You sparkle more brilliantly than thousand suns and all the stars combined. The calm I get restless with The chaos I want to get lost in. You…


When the moon is at its brightest, we’re not together to cherish. When it is at its darkest, we’re not together to mourn either. During the in-betweens, we’re not together just because. If you ask when I think about and…