Animals Confuse Me

When I was in school, science was never my strong suit. Integrated science, chemistry, and physics were all subject areas that I found particularly uninteresting. As for biology, I was not too fond of it because the books had colored drawings of frogs, which I despise to the core of my being.

I don’t think I’m dumb. However, some animals baffle me.

Which is the real chicken, and which is cooler?

Chickens only have two legs.

Have you always known that chickens have two legs? I was 24 years old when I found that out! For a long time, I was under the impression that they had three legs.

Even though my family raised chickens, I was terrified of them as a child and avoided looking at them at all costs. My mental image of chickens had three legs till I was 24 years old. For some reason, when I think of chickens, I also think of tricycles. Hence, the three legs.

I’m not sure how the discussion started, but I talked to my colleagues about chickens. I discovered that one leg was missing when I looked up an image on the internet. I then asked how many legs chickens have. When they stated two, I was utterly perplexed. It started making sense then how roasted chickens only have two legs.

Honestly, I think three-legged chickens would be more appealing.

Geckos are lizards.

Left: what I thought geckos look like. Right: geckos.

Geckos used to be a hot topic in the neighborhood where I grew up. They said that it’s worth a lot of money because it can cure cancer. In a country where poverty is rampant, many saw this as a way to make some extra cash. People set out to find geckos. At least, that’s what I’ve heard.

Now, don’t judge me! In my native language, geckos are referred to as tuko, and English is not my native tongue.

I know what geckos are! Although I only found out that gecko is also tuko when I was 24 years old.

Yes, a lot happened when I was 24, okay?

I wouldn’t have misunderstood if the people who told me all those bizarre tales had ever said it in English.

Now, back to geckos. So people were eager to find one, right? They said that geckos are deadly. Hearing it, plus having a twisted imagination, made me picture geckos as sword-like creatures. You know, since swords are deadly, and geckos are deadly. Surely they look alike, don’t they?


Also, for some strange reason again, I assumed they were marine life.

As soon as I heard they were lizards and not sea creatures, I was disappointed. Just imagine a sword-looking animal leaping out of the water. That, in my opinion, would be incredibly cool.

Goats don’t eat tin cans.

Goats don’t do this.

For the final stupidity of this blog post, I’ve always believed that goats eat tin cans. When I was a kid, I asked a relative why goats were constantly chewing. I took his word for the longest time that they were eating the cans. Apparently, the goats aren’t eating the cans, but rather the wrappers around them. Is that correct? I’ve lost all faith in everything.

Animals confuse me.

There are 3 comments

    1. Hi! Just googled, and holy guacamole, they do want the glue on the labels! So that’s why they lick the crap out of the cans, then.

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